Monday, November 16, 2009

Blog Stage 6

In response to Greediocracy's report.
I fully agree with your article, "A Happy Halloween Indeed." I myself avoided going downtown this Halloween because of the increase in drunk drivers after dodging several just while walking to my car from sixth street two years ago on Halloween. I really like this new idea of the 'No Refusal' policy. There are too many deaths and injuries in Texas from drunk drivers every year. The 'No Refusal' policy cuts numbers of drunk drivers down because they know if they get pulled over they can't refuse a breath sample of blood sample.I wish the 'No Refusal' policy could be a law in Texas for every day of the year.
Last month at 5 p.m. my Dad was hit by a drunk driver at a stop light. (He's fine)Of course it didn't help the fact that the drunk driver was an illegal immigrant.This was in the middle of the day on a weekday! The sad thing is that this occurs more often than we know. I liked your comment on how less intoxicated drivers means safer streets. It is also true that especially Austin drivers can't even drive sober. Much less drunk! I like the fact that the now annual Halloween weekend 'No Refusal' policy has cut the numbers of drunk drivers in half.If the 'No Refusal' policy could be an every day thing, I wonder what it would do to the state wide numbers of drunk drivers in Texas.

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